Thursday 4 June 2009

Facebook Poker The Most Popular application on Facebook

Did you know that Texas Hold'em Poker is the most popular application on facebook? With over 12 million active users playing every month, login at anytime night or day and you are likely to see over 250,000 people are logged in and playing.

So what makes it so popular?

Well the fact that it is free to play - there's no risk of losing real money and a good way to learn how to play poker without becoming bankrupt.

You can invite your friends and chat while you're playing. Its loads of fun and you can become really competitive trying to outdo your friends and get on the top tables.

Lots of people are getting addicted to facebook poker and it sure as hell beats solitaire for computer card games.

Make sure you check it out and I will be giving you tips on how to play, win and get free facebook poker chips in future posts, but if you want to cheat for now and actually buy some more chips check out my website to compare the best deals online here Facebook Poker Chips

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